If you wake up every morning and enjoy a blissfully hot shower before coming to work, you have your water heater to thank. Unfortunately, water heaters are some of the most neglected plumbing installations in our home. There are bills to pay, deadlines to meet, and a home to take care of—with so much on our plates, taking care of our heaters isn’t even on the list! And this is exactly why many homeowners fail to realize their heater is on the verge of failing. That is until they’re hit with a blast of cold water from their showerhead or their heater stops functioning altogether. To save you from the woes of a malfunctioning water heater, we’ve compiled a list of signs to look for that might tell you when your heater is nearing the end of its service span.


Age isn’t just a number when it comes to your water heater. In fact, it’s absolutely important to keep track of your heater’s age and have it replaced as soon as it reaches its useful life. You can check your heater’s manufacturing date on the sticker placed on its tank. As a rule of thumb, all heaters that exceed 10 years of service are prone to damage and should be replaced immediately. Don’t wait for leakage in your heater to replace it. If it starts leaking, chances are; it’s already wreaking havoc on your walls and floorboards.

Rusty Water

Noticing rusty water from your hot water pipes lately? Rusty water is a surefire sign that your heater is suffering from rust and corrosion. However, this can often occur as a result of corrosion in your pipelines as well. One way to check for the source of corrosion is to drain around five buckets of water from your heater. If you’re still seeing rust-colored water coming out after draining the third bucket, your heater is most likely the source of the problem.

Rumbling Noises

If there’s one thing that horror movies taught us, it’s that weird noises in your walls and pipes are a definite sign of trouble. This thought holds true for your water heater as well! Continuous use of water heaters often leads to sediment buildup inside the tank. This hardened sediment strikes against the tank during heating, resulting in rumbling and banging noises. When this happens, it’s time to say goodbye to your old heater! This sediment buildup quickly takes a toll on your heater’s efficiency—your heater starts consuming more electricity, giving you a mini panic attack as you check the month’s electricity bill.

Now that you know when to replace your water heater, are you looking for reliable services for water heater installation? Get in touch with Miami Water Heater today! We provide commercial and residential heating solutions. In addition to that, we provide services for water heater maintenance, solar water heaters, tankless gas parts and much more.